Beaufort SC School Information
To many potential buyers, the quality of public schools is very important. Always be sure to verify the school district you will be zoned for before you buy a house. Use the links below to get information on public schools in Beaufort and Battery Creek areas of Beaufort, SC. For each area you will find a link to the individual schools.
Beaufort Area Schools
Beaufort County public schools serve residents who live in downtown Beaufort, Burton, Fripp Island, Harbor Island, Lady's Island, Port Royal, Okatie, St. Helena Island, and Whale Branch. The schools in central portion of Beaufort are rated best in the Beaufort area. Charleston County School District is made up of eight constituent districts to serve the greater Charleston area (see the map above). Altogether, these districts have more than 48,000 students that range from pre-kindergarten to the twelfth grade. In the Charleston County School District you'll find 41 elementary schools, 13 middle schools, 8 high schools, 8 Charter schools, and 12 Magnet schools (which require student applications). We've listed the schools below by area so that you can compare this list with the schools stated in MLS reports.
Central Beaufort Public Schools
Beaufort Elementary School
1800 Prince Street
Beaufort, South Carolina 29902
Beaufort High School
87 Sea Island Parkway
Beaufort, South Carolina 29907
Beaufort Middle School
2501 Mossy Oaks Road
Beaufort, South Carolina 29902
Coosaw Elementary School
45 Middle Road
Beaufort, South Carolina 29907
Lady's Island Elementary School
73 Chowan Creek Bluff
Beaufort, South Carolina 29907
Lady's Island Middle School
30 Cougar Dr.
Beaufort, South Carolina 29907
Mossy Oaks Elementary School
2510 Mossy Oaks Road
Beaufort, SC 29902
Port Royal Elementary School
1214 Paris Avenue
Port Royal, South Carolina 29907
1025 Sea Island Parkway
St. Helena, South Carolina 29920
St. Helena Elementary School
1025 Sea Island Parkway
St. Helena, South Carolina 29920

Battery Creek Area Schools
Battery Creek High School
1 Blue Dolphin Road
Beaufort, South Carolina 29906
Broad River Elementary School
474 Broad River Road
Beaufort, South Carolina 29906
James J. David Elementary School
364 Keans Road
Seabrook, South Carolina 29940
Joseph S. Shanklin Elementary School
121 Morrall Drive
Beaufort, South Carolina 29906
Robert Smalls Middle School
43 W. K. Alston Road
Beaufort, South Carolina 29906
Shell Point Elementary School
81 Savannah Highway
Beaufort, South Carolina 29906
Whale Branch Elementary School
15 Stewart Point Road
Seabrook, South Carolina 29940
Whale Branch Middle School
1800 Prince Street
Beaufort, South Carolina 29902